Business Overdraft (OD) Loan | Dukandar Overdraft Facility

Business Overdraft (OD) Loan | Dukandar Overdraft Facility

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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often face cash flow challenges that can disrupt daily operations. A Business Overdraft (OD) Loan is a valuable financial tool for SMEs to access funds quickly without committing to a traditional loan. Here’s why it’s beneficial for SMEs.

  1. Quick Access to Funds Unlike conventional loans, which require lengthy approval processes, a business overdraft provides quick access to funds. Once the overdraft facility is approved, businesses can withdraw money whenever needed, making it ideal for managing unexpected expenses.

  2. Flexible Repayment One of the biggest advantages of a business overdraft is the flexibility in repayment. There is no set repayment schedule, allowing businesses to repay the amount based on their cash flow situation. This is especially useful for SMEs with fluctuating income cycles.

  3. Interest on Utilized Amount Interest is charged only on the amount the business actually uses, not on the full overdraft limit. This makes it a cost-effective financing solution compared to other forms of credit, such as term loans, where interest is calculated on the full loan amount.

  4. No Collateral Required Many banks offer unsecured business overdrafts, meaning SMEs do not need to pledge any assets as collateral. This makes it easier for businesses to access credit without risking their assets.

  5. Helps Maintain Business Continuity For SMEs, maintaining business continuity is crucial. A business overdraft helps ensure that operations continue smoothly, even during periods of low cash flow. It can be used for everyday expenses such as purchasing inventory, paying suppliers, or meeting payroll requirements.

For SMEs, a business overdraft is a flexible, cost-effective solution that provides peace of mind and ensures smooth business operations, especially in times of financial uncertainty.

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